Cargo Management
We entered into a turn-key project as marine superintendent and consultants for the man-management of vessels owned by
the SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA, a Government of India undertaking. For four years, we were the efficient man-managers,
caterers, and house-keepers for three Tankers and two Bulk Carriers. We have the distinction of being one of the leading
companies that cater to all aspects of Import / Export cargo. We offer integrated cargo service. Right from conducting a
Pre shipment / Pre dispatch survey, to supervising at the time of carting, loading, unloading, stuffing and destuffing.
- Survey of empty containers for cargo worthiness as per IICL standards, lease them to shipping companies and carry out computerized container tracking
- We book cargo space in the first available vessel, arrange optimum container space utilization so that no cargo space is wasted. We even make Container Load Plans and provide Time Sheets featuring times and dates of all events for each container.
- We inspect all the cases 'for their Marks and Number and each container for the Custom Seal. We also ensure prompt release of the Bill of Lading from shipping agencies.
- At the Port of Bombay we offer the above services to cater to the needs of ARABIAN EXPRESS LI NE-London, JXCL Container Lines. Singapore , Globe Link Container Line (HK) Ltd and Imperial Express Line, Dubai .
A pivotal service in commercial shipping is Ship Broking and Chartering. We were on the panel of TRANSCHART, New Delhi ,
a Government of India body for the shipment of break bulk cargo. We, therefore, have international contacts with many ship
owners and can provide Break Bulk and Oil Cargo, Also purchasing and selling of ships according to your requirements